Parents’ Web Resources

A list of resources taken from Parenting Programs for Everyone published by Alberta Health Services.

Alexandra Community Health Centre  Counselling services

Aspen Family and Community Network  Family support

Calgary Co-parenting Centre Assists families with separation and divorce

Calgary Family Services  Parenting programmes and workshops

Catholic Family Services of Calgary Pre-marriage and parenting workshops

Centre for Newcomers Support and education for immigrant families

Cups One World Child Development Centre Early intervention educational centre

Even Start Supports ‘at risk’ children who are economically disadvantaged

Families Matter Programmes and services for children and families

Neighbourlink Assists Calgarians living below the poverty line

Parent Support Association of Calgary Support to parents of youth aged 10 to 24.

Renfrew Educational Services Specialized programmes for children with special needs

Stepfamily Foundation of Alberta Specialized services for stepfamilies

Women’s Centre Quick access to emergency food and supplies